Cat Flea

Cat Flea Control

The most common questions we get asked are about fleas & ticks and how to prevent them, especially with the tick population in our area rapidly rising every year. They can both be a nasty pain to deal with, but luckily there are many great products available to stop them from becoming a problem for you and your furry friend!

How do I know if my cat has fleas?

An exam is the best way to determine if your pet has fleas. Excessive scratching and the presence of flea dirt (dried flecks of blood that resembles pepper) can be a definite indicator. Cats are more difficult than dogs as they tend to groom away a lot of the “evidence”.

Do fleas harm cats?

Flea bites are extremely itchy for our cats and can make them quite uncomfortable. Many cats with fleas will end up with a flea allergy, which only makes them more uncomfortable and can make them lose their fur. It is also possible that a large number of flea bites could cause the cat to go anemic, most commonly occurring in kittens with very heavy flea infestations. There are also parasitic diseases that can be transmitted by fleas that can make them anemic and ill.

Why is treating and preventing fleas so important?

It is important to treat and prevent flea infestations to make us and our cats more comfortable in the home, to stop the infestation as early as possible, and to help prevent spreading fleas to friends and family with pets. It is important to use products that are specifically for cats. Some dog products can cause serious problems (neurotoxicity/ seizures) in cats.

What are some simple steps for treating fleas in your senior cat?

The best way to treat fleas in cats is with a product like Revolution, which is a once a month topical that you put on the back of the cat’s neck.

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